Parent Zone

Parent Zone
1. Announcements
  • Our class is taking a field trip to the Shakespeare Theatre in DT Chicago on April 12th. More information under "field trips." 
  • Your children should be working on their "Poe Paper," which is due on April 16th. There are small assignments coming up before then, but this paper is the next big assignment that is due. 
  • We will be having grandparents day in May. Look for more information in the mail. 
  • PTF meetings will resume on April 6th, the Tuesday after Easter break. 
  • I have only included a calendar of events for this month on the student page, as I mention both the field trip and the "Poe Paper" on this page. 
2. Field Trip Information 
  • We will be attending Chicago's Shakespeare Theater on April 12th. 
  • This is a special presentation for HS students in the area, so you will not find an advertisement on their website.
  • We will NOT need chaperones this year, as all of the English teachers have committed to attending, even if their classes are not coming. 
  • We will be seeing The Taming of The Shrew. For more information on this production click HERE
  • The cost of tickets is $12, which is due, along with a signed permission slip, on April 6th.  
  • Please contact me if the cost will be an issue for your family. I do not want financial worries to prohibit any of the students from attending. 
3. Grading System
As an English teacher, I pursue objective grading by using rubrics as much as possible. All larger writing assignments will have a rubric provided. Further, I will always be glad to explain why points were deducted if this is not clear to your child. Your child has a hard copy of this rubric, and I have extras available in the classroom. I have also provided the rubric for the "Poe Paper" below.  You can find the grading scale and assignment values on the "Student Zone" page. 



Rubric: Poe Assignment

Interpretation of Mood


Completely and Accurately interprets the mood of Poe


Shows some understanding of the mood of Poe


Attempts to display a mood that is related to that of Poe


Shows little to no understanding of Poe’s mood

Fulfillment of Assignment


Meets all of the assignment requirements


Meets almost all of the assignment requirements


Meets some of the assignments requirements


Meets little to none of the assignment requirements



Uses appropriate style and intelligent diction


Uses appropriate style and decent diction


Does not show a clear style and uses lower-level diction


Style is confusing or inconsistent and diction is lower-level



Clear and well established organization


Mostly clear and established organization


Organization is barely present


There is no organization or structure



Near perfect grammar


Basic grammar mistakes evident


Makes many grammar mistakes


Shows no understanding of basic grammar rules